Get Involved


Meet Our Team

We are extremely honoured to have the most passionate and dedicated team here at Neo Community, with each member committed to playing their part in the teams’ success.

We offer a comprehensive volunteer programme, designed to enrich life skills and to encourage a more diverse range of activities. Most of our volunteers come from the local community, the majority of whom are or have been service users. We currently have 48 core volunteers with around 120 volunteers in total, a few of our team are pictured below

Ema Wilkes
Ema WilkesChief Executive Officer
Kelli Hutton
Kelli HuttonYouth & Community
Judy Mellor
Judy MellorAdmin
Laura Glover
Laura GloverProjects 
Sally Baker
Sally BakerKids Club Lead and South Wirral Support

Liam Kay
Liam KayVolunteer
Lewis Collins
Kieran Wilkes
Kieran WilkesSchools Partnership 
Anne Lloyd
Anne Lloyd Volunteer

Sarah Crawshaw
Sarah CrawshawVolunteer

Brenda Wallace
Brenda WallaceVolunteer
Becky Holt
Becky HoltVolunteer
Alison Hodgson
Alison HodgsonAmbassador
Mark Boyle
Mark BoyleVolunteer

Our Trustees

Our trustees ensure that Neo has a clear strategy, and that its work and goals are always in line with Neo’s vision.

They are our ‘guardians of purpose’, making sure that all decisions put the needs of the beneficiaries first. 

Our trustees meet at least quarterly and communicate regularly in between formal meetings.

Judi Blacow JP BEM
Judi Blacow JP BEMChair of Trustees
Alan Woods
Alan WoodsTrustee
Elaine Owen
Elaine OwenTrustee
Danny Hart
Danny HartTrustee
Sheena McDermott
Sheena McDermottTrustee
Matt Davies
Matt DaviesTrustee
Lindsey Edwards
Lindsey EdwardsTrustee
Luke O'Dowd
Luke O'DowdTrustee
Jan Heath
Jan HeathTrustee
Anne Parsons
Anne ParsonsTrustee

Volunteer with us!

Want to have a positive impact on your community?

Anybody can help – You will make a valuable contribution and boost your own wellbeing along the way!

The skills you gain add value to your CV, and the social links you make can often lead to other opportunities.

We are always on the lookout for enthusiastic, willing volunteers to join our team.

Please complete the form below, indicating the type of role you would be interested in.

Having a positive impact on your community
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