An estimated three million children are at risk of going hungry over the holidays, when free school meals are off the menu, and the government has pledged £2m to help provide food and activities for children in some of England's poorest areas, among them Birkenhead, Merseyside.
NEO Community spoke to Made in Liverpool about Beaconsfield Court House, what Neo do and who they support.
So here I am sitting on the train back from London again, what a couple of weeks, what better time to sit and get on with Blog #2.
In the last few weeks since writing the first of our blogs we have been so busy, we have had a half term with our #FeedingBritain project running which saw us serving 594 meals to children with no charge, using 93% surplus food, and having amazing resident artists in for the week.
So I have been saying for ages now, I will start writing some small notes about our days within Neo and what we all get up to on a day to day basis.